Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How To Become A "Super Affiliate"

It's the hard work that separates a regular affiliate from a "super" affiliate, someone who markets the affiliate product like it's his or her own product, and makes a successful living doing it.

Super Affiliates use smart marketing strategies to drive traffic to their websites, increasing the number of people that "click through" to the affiliate products - and purchase them - by the thousands!

They also work very hard to establish their reputations as credible sources of information about their products. It's the relationship of time they build with their customers that sets super affiliates apart.

a. Super affiliates define a niche market and target their affiliate products to their target audience.

Super affiliates know that NOT defining a niche market and targetting products to that market is one of the biggest mistakes Internet marketers made. Don't turn your website into a flea market. Instead focus on your niche market and promote on just 1 or 2 related products. That will suffice.

b. SAs build relationships with their visitors

Super affiliates work hard to be not just salespeople, but trusted friends and advisors to their customers. They spend a lot of time building relationships with their customers, providing them with improtant information and products they want to hear about.

c. SAs actively market their products

Super affiliates actively market their featured products. They know that posting a link to their affiliate sites and then sitting back and waiting for the profits to roll in is not a realistic approach.

d. SAs have content rich websites

Super affiliates know that the way to convert their visitors into paying customers is by giving them plenty of reasons to visit their websites in the first place. What better way than to provide visitors with what they really want, such as product reviews and comparisons, helpful tips and so on. All of these bring traffic to their websites.

e. SAs are perceived experts in a specialised area

Truly successful super affiliates know their products well and are always ready to answer any question a potential customer might have of the product.

f. SAs constantly test their marketing strategies

Super affiliates do not stay contented the moment they received a modest income from their affiliate business. Instead, they continue to look for better and better ways to bring their products to people's attention.

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